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About The Holistic Solution and myself

The connection between our bodies, nutrition, lifestyle and so much more

Kriss H - HolisticHealthAndQuantumWellbeing

Kriss Höss - Founder of The Holistic Solution
Healing Circle & Retreat Facilitator,
Trauma-informed Holistic Health & Quantum Wellbeing Coach,
Energy & Sound Healing Practitioner,
Breathwork & Meditation Teacher &
Certified Nutritional Therapist (IICT)

A little bit more about me and why I decided to start The Holistic Solution, become a Healing Circle & Retreat Facilitator, Holistic Health & Quantum Wellbeing Coach and Certified Nutritional Therapist:

  The main force behind my work is a deep desire and strong passion to help other individuals to heal their bodies holistically and by doing so not just improve and achieve their long-term health, well-being, diet, nutrition as well as lifestyle goals but also regain balance, wellbeing, joy and simply have that 'Feel Good Feeling' in your body and with that live a happier and more fulfilled life again. Because (to quote my-self): "Health is the TRUE Wealth and after all we only have this ONE body!"    


What is Quantum I hear you wonder? In the most simple way 'quantum' means enhancing & exhilarating. In relation to Health & Wellbeing it means to enhance, improve or up-level Your Health and Wellbeing. How? By becoming truly aware of certain aspects and making specific amendments so that You align more and Your body and health - and ultimately Your LIFE - can THRIVE.  Sounds easy right? Well sort of - it actually is a very challenging path when walked alone, hence why people reach out to me and decide to work with me.​

About Energy & Trauma Release sessions and a bit more about me

Client Testimonial

​From having worked with many clients directly for almost half a decade, I have been told again and again how much they appreciate my strength to really help to get the person to understand/comprehend their body (and with that Health & Wellbeing) in a simple way and to make lasting changes  based on this foundation - regardless of whether this is e.g. Nutrition or Trauma related.


So whether for YOU it is a matter of e.g. stress and anxiety related health issues, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), weight loss/gain, chronic disease prevention/reduction (e.g. inflammation, arthritis, diabetes type2), You simply just wanting to understand food & nutrition better and what is best for Your body, or how to get more balance back in Your life and improve Your Wellbeing across various levels and ACTUALLY (that is if you are ready!) start looking at and begin to uncover deeper patterns, behaviours and even Traumas so that YOU can really TRANSFORM your life and live a more healthy, fulfilled and happy life, rest assured I have both personal experience and experience working with clients across these fields.


Just to touch briefly on my personal background and healing journey, over a decade ago I suffered severely (and by that I mean SEVERELY) from IBS, Stress and Depression which led (combined with having been in unhealthy relationships and stressful + demanding corporate London jobs) to me drinking alcohol regularly (in fact DAILY (!) and not just only one small drink either...) and to suffering not just 1 but 2 Burn-Out Syndromes over the span of only 4 years (!!). During that time I ended up on antidepressant (and other) prescription medication for 4 years solid. One could really say I had "hit the wall" TWICE! Total breakdowns.

I realised much later, this was when my healing journey started and meanwhile I have learned how even the suicide of my biological father back when I was only 4 years old (by the way add to the mix to all that I was growing up in communist-run, scarcity driven and controlled East Germany when - yes - the BERLIN WALL was still there! I actually witnessed it coming down and slowly abundance in all sorts was floating in BUT with my grand parents having lived through WW1 and WW2 and also survived 2 inflations in their lifetime, abundance was a very "delicate" thing to handle to say the least!) - and then the sudden death of my beloved step-dad when I was only 15 years old, followed literally just one week later by my grandfather's (from mum's side) suicide - all contributed to where I was when I had my first breakdown and also why....   

And well yes there is more (like e.g. when I was diagnosed with cell abnormalities in my cervix being told in my early 30's I was borderline to developing cervical cancer or self-diagnosing my self with PMDD (in 2014) well before the NHS doctors even knew such a condition exists instead all they offered me than was HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy as "the only" option as they called it (!) when thanks to my persistence there was also thankfully Acupuncture (next to no side or long-term effects compared to HRT!) available and I ultimately received it from the NHS too - yes it IS possible!) ... but this shall be enough for the purpose of giving you a better feel as to who I am and what my experience is like.


Please note: I decided to share those very personal details here on my website with the heart-felt intention that this resonates with you if you are / have been experiencing similar challenges and set backs so that you can already feel at ease and know that I am not just "another health coach" but ACTUALLY I can and I very much do RELATE because of my very own experience

Mind you, trauma is different to each and every one and there is by NO MEANS any scale to measure it - it is a personal perception/account and - yes of course - deep deep pain.


In my sessions when we work on clearing that, I make use a variety of elements & modalities, such as (but not only) Breathwork, Intuitive and Analytical Coaching, tapping into Consciousness and also Sound Healing along with Holistic Coaching and Nutritional Guidance which all harmonise really well together and enable clients to relax more to get better results.

I have worked with many clients across various areas, and the feedback I receive even just after a couple of sessions is fantastic.


(Feel free to have a look at the Testimonials - currently being updated.)


To get the best Transformation and a better chance of lasting results over time it became obvious, rather than doing just a single session (I promise You, You'll learn a lot in even just one session with me! but it's just not enough time sadly for You to make real changes), it's best to work on a 1-2-1 basis for a time specific frame of ideally approx. 10 to 12 weeks with individually arranged sessions, which is why I am now offering a bespoke & individually personalized program. Please contact me to find out more about this.


Click here to contact me for Your complimentary 20min Holistic Health & Healing Discovery Session to discuss with me what YOU are looking to change in Your life and what YOU need help with and to see how working with me would benefit YOU in overcoming Your problems and challenges and achieving Your Health & Wellbeing goals to make a long-term change in Your life.

Some of the key problem areas clients come to me for are e.g.:

  • Health issues around stress, anxiety & fear and the effects of it e.g. eating more and/or unhealthy

  • Inner critic & sabotaging behaviours

  • Depression and sleep disorders

  • Deep unresolved trauma (especially around loss of loved ones (e.g. through death or relationship endings), grief and also Abandonment (e.g. through parents or children) often showing in form of (unexplainable/untreatable) chronic pain

  • Hormonal Imbalances around PMS & PMDD

  • Inner child healing & raising consciousness as well as confidence & courage

  • Weight management and obesity

  • Detox & gentle internal cleanse

  • Inflammation related conditions e.g. gout, arthritis, diabetes type 2

  • IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome), digestive problems​​​


Since Spring 2020 I predominantly work online/remotely via Zoom/Skype for 1-2-1 coaching or smaller group sessions, however my Healing Retreats and Heart-Opening Ceremonies are mostly in person (some are virtual/remotely) and it is also possible to arrange face to face sessions 1-2-1 for Your convenience (this is subject to an additional fee).

Clients who worked with me quickly realised the incredible long-term value they are receiving - it is not about time as in the amount of sessions but noticing blockages & patterns, releasing those and of course also very much gaining knowledge and implementing this knowledge. I work on an energetic level also. Most of my clients greatly benefit from working with me over a number of sessions, so when choosing to make changes in Your life by opting for a bespoke & individually personalized program as this is likely to give You the best results.


I also run workshops for small groups in-person and regularly hold sacred space at my bespoke & deeply heart-opening Cacao Ceremonies (across several locations) and Deep Meditation & Shamanic Journeying sessions.


Looking forward to receiving Your Inquiry/Booking, finding out more about You and serving You very soon to make lasting changes in Your life by helping You transform Your Health, Wellbeing and Life to a quantum level in 2022 and beyond.​


With healthy wishes & much gratitude,

- Namaste & Aho - 


  Kriss Höss


Founder of The Holistic Solution, 

Healing Circle & Retreat Facilitator, 

Trauma-informed Holistic Health & Quantum Wellbeing Coach

Energy & Sound Healing Practitioner,

Breathwork & Meditation Teacher

Certified Nutritional Therapist (IICT)


Sacred Ceremony Retreats - The Holistic Solution _ email sig.png
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